myLSU ID: Account Eligibility & Retention
Note: The information below primarily applies to A&M accounts only. If you are with another campus, please reach out to the local campus help desk to confirm account eligibility.
Undergraduate Students
- myLSU Accounts are automatically created when a prospective student has both applied for admission to LSU and has been admitted by the University.
- Student myLSU accounts are computer-generated; therefore, a student cannot request a specific account name. This process ensures that each myLSU account is unique and is never re-used.
- The account information is e-mailed to the e-mail address that was provided by the prospective student on the admissions application.
- The accounts are usually created within one business day after admission. The computer-generated e-mail with the account information may take an additional day to process.
- Admitted students who do not register for classes for the semester will have their myLSU Account PURGED.
- Students who attend LSU but then miss three consecutive semesters of enrollment (not including Summer) will have their myLSU Account PURGED.
- Students who graduate will no longer be eligible for a myLSU account. After three consecutive semesters of non-enrollment, their myLSU Account will be PURGED.
- LSU Undergraduate Students may access and use LSU Computing Resources until they are not enrolled for three consecutive semesters regardless of graduation status (not including Summer semesters). A student’s account will be disabled after three inactive semesters, and purged 30 days after they are disabled. Enrollment is determined using University records. See Computer Users’ Responsibilities PS06.55 (PS-107).
Graduate Students
- myLSU Accounts (myLSU IDs) are created by the Graduate School.
- Student myLSU IDs are computer-generated; therefore, a student cannot request a specific ID. This process ensures that a new myLSU ID is unique and is never re-used.
- For more information on LSU Graduate School application process, see the LSU Graduate School: Overview.
- LSU Graduate Students may access and use LSU Computing Resources until they are not enrolled for three consecutive semesters regardless of graduation status (not including Summer semesters). A student’s account will be disabled after three inactive semesters, and purged 30 days after they are disabled. Enrollment is determined using University records. See Acceptable Use (PS-121)
Active Faculty & Staff
- myLSU Accounts (myLSU IDs) are created by Human Resource Management (HRM) or the Department's Human Resource Contact.
- ITS does not create myLSU IDs for new Faculty & Staff.
- Active faculty and staff may request a specific myLSU ID through their Human Resource Contact or Human Resource Management during onboarding. LSU e-mail addresses are (myLSU ID)
- When an employee separates from the university, they receive a 30 day notice regarding account access. The account's access is removed from most resources.
- Employees will still be able to view their W-2, parking tickets and other fees. The employee's primary myLSU ID could remain active for up to 18 months.
- All LSU Faculty & Staff may access and use LSU Computing Resources until their affiliation with the University has ended. User(s) whose status as a student or employee has been terminated by the University are no longer authorized to utilize computing resources, even if their access has not been blocked by technology services. See Acceptable Use (PS-121)
- A User is defined as any person or entity that utilizes computing resources, including, but not limited to:
- Employees,
- Faculty,
- Staff
- Agents,
- Vendors,
- Consultants,
- Contractors, and
- Sub-contractors of the University.
- LSUMail Accounts are valid for the duration of an individual's active relationship with LSU. Depending on an individual's status with the university, a myLSU account may become a candidate for deletion.
Faculty and Staff who have Resigned: Access to LSUMail is disabled 30 days following separation from the university.
Faculty and Staff who have Retired: Access to the primary LSUMail Account is retained and renewable in 10 year increments via e-mail to
Retired Faculty & Staff
- Retired Faculty & Staff may be provided access and use LSU computing resources, in the sole discretion of the University, as long as there are resources available to support their continued use. However, the University may limit, withdraw, or deny access to retired members of its faculty and staff in its sole discretion. If a resource supporting ‘active’ users becomes constrained and the number of accounts belonging to retired members must be reduced, account use and longevity will be used as the criteria for removing accounts as necessary to recover appropriate resources. See Acceptable Use (PS-121)
- LSU Faculty & Staff who have Retired: Access to your primary LSUMail Account ( is retained and renewable in 10 year increments via e-mail to
- In order for LSU Employees to be able to access financial & tax documents, the myLSU Portal ( will persist for the calendar year following the last year of employment.
LSU Alumni
LSU Guests
- LSU Guest Accounts are distributed based on the following: "The University, in its sole discretion, may provide limited access to Computing Resources for specialized purposes, such as:
- Conference Attendees,
- External Entities Under Contract to Louisiana State University, and
- Visitors.
- A sponsor must be identified on any computer account provided for this purpose. See Acceptable Use (PS-121).
- For more information on accounts available to LSU Guests, see the Guest Accounts: LSU Overview.
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