Student Technology Fee (STF): LSU Overview

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General Information

In the spring of 1997, the Student Government Senate voted unanimously in a resolution endorsing the concept of a student technology fee. "The Student Technology Fee at Louisiana State University is dedicated to the acquisition, installation, maintenance, and intelligent use of state-of-the-art technology solely for the purpose of supporting and enhancing student life and learning and of preparing graduates for the workplaces of the twenty-first century." 

Strategic Goals

There are two strategic goals of the Student Technology Fee:

  • Fees are used to provide LSU Students with access and training for Information Technology and Discipline-Specific Equipment that represents the current state of the art technology.
  • Fees are used to enable LSU Students & Faculty to make the best possible use of current technologies in support of learning and teaching.

Newly Approved Projects

1. Server Life Cycle Replacements.

2. LSU Library 141 Electrical Outlets.

3. Wireless Expansion.

4. Computer Based Testing Lab.

5. Life-Cycle Computer Upgrades.

6. Gear-to-Geaux Life-Cycle Upgrades.

7. VLAB Expansion.

  • Last Updated on 3/22/2017.

Current Student Tech Fee Services

1. GROK: LSU Overview  (Online Technical Knowledge Base)

2. Moodle: LSU Overview  (Online Learning Management System)

3. Gear to Geaux  (Checkout Technology)

4. TigerWare: LSU Overview (Software Downloads)

5. Security Consulting

6. Microsoft Software Licensing Agreement

  • Please note that this is not a complete list of STF Funded Services.

Additional Support

If you have any other questions about the Student Technology Fee Program, please send them to or

10/31/2023 2:55:35 PM