Elements: LSU Overview

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General Information

Elements, which has replaced LSU Faculty360, is the university's Faculty Information System - a platform to collect, analyze, showcase and report all of your scholarly activities. Elements serves as a faculty expertise portal for each faculty member’s teaching, research, scholarly and creative works, and service activities. Elements will provide an interface for faculty discovery and integration which allows collaborators to connect with faculty. Faculty members are expected to update and maintain their public and searchable profiles. 

For more information, and to access the Elements portal, please visit https://www.lsu.edu/academicaffairs/elements/index.php

Why Now?

The Office of Academic Affairs engaged a procurement process in spring and summer 2021 to consider alternative vendors, and a stakeholder group was involved in viewing demonstrations of these alternatives. 

  • User-friendly interface
  • Ability to process workflows for annual reviews, promotion and tenure, and sabbatical leave proposals
  • Ability to receive data feeds from external sources
  • Ability to incorporate migrated data from the Digital Measures platform

Elements allows for robust faculty activity data collection, maintenance and reporting on the teaching, research and service activities of LSU’s faculty all while being searchable by collaborators across the world. Collaborators can search faculty information based on completed research, area of expertise and scholarly work. Information can be used to generate vitas and other faculty reports in a variety of different formats (ex. PS-36, NIH, NSF, etc.). 

LSU will leverage the faculty information system for processes such as annual reviews, promotion and tenure review, sabbatical review, accreditation reviews, and reporting.

Learn More

Elements: Submitting your Sabbatical Leave Application

Elements: Reviewing a Sabbatical Leave Application


Training & Support

Office of Academic Affairs
156 Thomas Boyd Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Telephone: 225-578-8863
Fax: 225-578-5980


9/20/2023 10:57:42 AM